Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bio of Sarah Tuso

My name is Sarah Tuso I have lived in San Jose, Willow Glen all my life. I also live in the same house all my life.

My grandma loves gardening. She loves it so much that we have to sometimes tell her to stop and rest. That means that my grandmother, my sister, and I helped garden a lot. In fact we own a HUGE amount of land. So much that we have a chicken coop-OH that reminds me! I have raised chickens all my life so... I think we have 10. We also have 12 rabbits. And a turtle. And a parrot that talks. And 2 parakeets. And 3 fish. Anyway we grow a lot of things. Pumpkins, zucchini, apples, lemons, oranges, blackberries, corn, pomegranate, grapefruit, tomatoes, horse-beans, garlic, and many more that I can remember at the moment. So I guess you can say I have a little experience.  

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